Tak Sangka Fasha Sandha – Nora Danish Kongsi Tarikh ‘Bahagia’ Yang Sama

Tahniah! Sekali Lafaz, Fasha Sandha Dan Aidil Aziz Sah Bergelar Suami Isteri

Menerusi laman Instagram TV3 Malaysia telah berkongsi beberapa keping gambar detik manis pernikahan pasangan sejoli Fasha Sandha dan Aidil Aziz.

“Tahniah @fashasandha dan @itsaidilaziz sah bergelar suami isteri. Semoga berbahagia hingga syurga. Amin Moment indah Majlis Pernikahan #aidilfasha diabadikan menggunakan #HuaweiP30Pro #RewriteTheRules”

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Fasha telah menerima mas kahwin bernilai RM 300 ringgit daripada Aidil dan majlis pernikahan tersebut telah berlangsung di Masjid Tuanku Syed Putra Jamalullail, Jalan Kangar, Padang Besar, Kangar, Perlis.

Di samping itu, Fasha telah menerima 7 dulang hantaran dan berbalas 5 dulang hantaran kepada Aidil.

“Hantaran untuk Pernikahan #aidilfasha. 5 berbalas 7. Cantiknyaaaaaa.”

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Dress by The one and only @rizmanruzaini Make up by Dato @alhaalfa ? @blackpepperproduction

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Alhamdulilah, dengan sekali lafaz Fasha dan Aidil sah bergelar suami isteri.

MH mengucapkan tahniah kepada pasangan ini dan semoga berkekalan hingga ke akhir hayat.

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“I Love You Without Knowing How Or…,” – Lafaz Cinta Nedim Buat Nora Danish, Genap Dua Tahun Bersatu

Selepas enam tahun menyulam cinta dan di satukan pada 30 Mac 2017, Nedim Nazri mengungkapkan kata-kata romantis buat isteri tercinta.

My dearest wife @noradanish ,once every year, there comes this wonderful day when we rejoice and celebrate the wonders of our relationship. We look back at all the wonderful moments we enjoyed together and I simply cannot help but feel indefinitely grateful that you’ve become part of my life.

As we grow older together and as we continue to change within each age, there is one thing that will never change… I will always keep falling in love with you over & over again

I love you without knowing how, or when, or from where. I love you straightforwardly, without complexities or pride therefore I love you because I know no other way.

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My dearest wife @noradanish ,once every year, there comes this wonderful day when we rejoice and celebrate the wonders of our relationship. We look back at all the wonderful moments we enjoyed together and I simply cannot help but feel indefinitely grateful that you’ve become part of my life ?? . • As we grow older together and as we continue to change within each age, there is one thing that will never change… I will always keep falling in love with you over & over again . I love you without knowing how, or when, or from where. I love you straightforwardly, without complexities or pride therefore I love you because I know no other way. Ask me to define my love for you and I’ll say it’s captured in every beautiful memory of our past, detailed out in vivid dreams and future plans, but most of all it’s right now, in the moment where everything I’ve ever wanted in my life is standing right in front of me ? • Happy 2nd Anniversary to the woman who I “Akad “ on this special day 30th of March ? ?. I love you with all my heart , with all my life & more than you’ll ever know ❤️?. • • #syukuralhamdulillah #2ndYearOfMarriage #6yearsInARelationship #NeNo #NNisteriKuCintaHatiKu

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Ask me to define my love for you and I’ll say it’s captured in every beautiful memory of our past, detailed out in vivid dreams and future plans, but most of all it’s right now, in the moment where everything I’ve ever wanted in my life is standing right in front of me.

Happy 2nd Anniversary to the woman who I “Akad “ on this special day 30th of March. I love you with all my heart , with all my life & more than you’ll ever know.”

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Having our Anniversary breakfast at one of our fav restaurant before shooting. ?

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Pasangan ini dikurniakan seorang anak lelaki, Mohamed Neqayl Nazri Aziz atau lebih dikenali sebagai Ney Ney, setahun.

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@boss_ned ?

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Selamat ulangtahun perkahwinan buat pasangan bahagia ini

Apa Kata Anda? Dah Baca, Jangan Lupa Komen Dan Share Ya. Terima Kasih!! DD

Jom Like Page Kami Juga Di Facebook @LepatPisang

Sumber: Instagram Nedim/MH

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