Selepas 8 Bulan Tak Balik Kampung, Nonny Nadirah Pelvk Erat Si Ibu. Menitis Air Mata!

Pelakon Nonny Nadirah teruja apabila selamat tiba di kampung halaman, Sabah untuk berjumpa dengan ibu tersayang.

Difahamkan, Nonny sudah tidak pulang sejak lapan bulan lalu.

“Hai, hari ini saya akan terbang balik ke Sabah selepas lapan bulan tak balik.

“Rindunya! Home sick!,” katanya seperti yang dikongsikan di IGTV.

“You know my name, not my story. You see my smile, not my pain. You notice my bruise, not my scars. You can read my lips, not my mind.

“Just bcos ‘you’ took longer than the others to heal, doesn’t mean you failed.

“I’m glad i found the ‘Good’ in Goodbye.

“Alhamdulillah.. I’m happy & feel sooo much better now bcos of you, ma.

I miss you ma!

“I miss all of you too!!! You and you and youuuu my family, my friends my sahabats & my lovely followers!! I love youuu gaiss so muchh!

“Always be thankful. You’re in a good hands now,” tulisnya.

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You know my name, not my story. You see my smile, not my pain. You notice my bruise, not my scars. You can read my lips, not my mind. . . Just bcos ‘you’ took longer than the others to heal, doesn’t mean you failed. . I’m glad i found the ‘Good’ in Goodbye ?? . Alhamdulillah.. I’m happy & feel sooo much better now bcos of you, ma. I miss you ma! . I miss all of you too!!! You and you and youuuu my family, my friends my sahabats & my lovely followers!! I love youuu gaiss so muchh!! ❤️ . Always be thankful.. You’re in a good hands now ..? #backtobasic #ignorethenoise #letsdothis #notmyproblemanymore #FJRuntuh #fynntriproductions #2020

A post shared by ? Nonny Nadirah ? (@nonnynadirah) on


Video berdurasi lebih dua minit itu memaparkan perjalanan bekas peserta Akademi Fantasia musim kelima itu sebelum memulakan penerbangan sehingga selamat tiba bertemu ibunya.

Menererusi ruangan komen, rata-rata terharu melihat video yang dikongsikan wanita itu.

Video : Instagram Nonny Nadirah

Sumber: MH

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