“Tabahkan hati frontliners” – Jururawat Buat Keputusan Letak Jawatan Lepas Tak Dibenarkan Pakai Face Mask Masa R4wat Pesaklt Covid-19


Frontliners merupakan anggota penting dalam berdepan dengan w4bak Covid-19 yang kini dihadapi oleh seluruh dunia.

Terbaru seorang jururawat membuat keputusan meletak jawatan kerana tidak diberi perlindungan dalam kejadian di Thanessee, Amerika Syarikat, lapor Awani 


Brandi Rahmanian seorang petugas di hospital berkenaan berkata hospital tersebut telah mengikut garis panduan yang diberi oleh Pusat Kawalan Berjangkit (CDC), bagaimanapun petugas tidak diberikan face mask waktu merawat pesakit Covid-19.

“Saya dimaklumkan kami mempunyai bekalan topeng yang cukup tetapi berkemungkinan bekalan akan habis tidak lama lagi. – Brandi Rahmanian.

Kerisauan muncul apabila petugas diminta merawat pesakit positif Covid-19 tanpa kelengkapan alat pelindung.

Rintihan Jururawat di Chicago

Kes yang serupa berlaku di Chicago seorang jururawat, Imaris Vera meletak jawatan selepas di halang untuk memakai face mask yang dibawanya sendiri.

Pentadbir hospital menghalangnya memakai face mask kerana isu kekurangan alat perlindungan di dalam hospital tempat dia bekerja.


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I chose ?? ???? today… ⠀ & my family members who have pre-existing conditions that wouldn’t get a ventilator if they contracted #COVID19 from me ⠀ I had a different idea in mind when I got to my #ICU this morning; I expected to see ALL OF OUR #NURSES & STAFF wearing #N95 masks but ?? ??? ??? ???????? ??… ⠀ Each ICU room had ‘make-shift’ ante-rooms attached to them created with plastic tarp & massive amounts of tape.. ⠀ A charge Nurse was passing out single N95 masks to nurses with a brown paper bag for them to store their mask in which was to be in inside their plastic ante-rooms & to ?? ??-???? ??? ??-??????? ??? ???… ⠀ I asked “well what if there’s possible contamination to that N95 mask..? What about my safety” ⠀ My manager told me “well our staff safety is our main priority right now … if we get enough masks, we may consider having staff wear surgical masks in the weeks to come..” ⠀ I replied, “But it’s Airborne… those surgical masks won’t protect us ..” ⠀ My manager then tells me “ we’ve kept up with the CDC & it is only when the COVID patient has any aerosol type treatments like a ventilator, nasal cannula, nebulizer etc that’s it’s airborne..otherwise it’s droplet ..” ⠀ I replied “& 90% of our patients are intubated, paralyzed, & positive for COVID.. people not even in the hospital environment are spreading it .. we have to assume everyone is infected..especially in the hospital environment, & ?? ??? ???? ???? ??? ? ??????? ???? ??” ⠀ I then told her of nurses wearing a surgical droplet masks on their units & now intubated & fighting for their lives … ⠀ Tears were streaming down my face & fog in my glasses at this point.. ⠀ I thought to myself.. ??? ???? ? ????? ???? ?? ??? ?????????, ?? ?????..? ⠀ I asked one last time pleading with tears in my eyes.. ⠀ “Can I please just wear ?? ??? ??? ????… I understand we have a shortage but I have my OWN ” ⠀ My manager told me that they couldn’t allow me to wear it. ⠀ So I gave report, & left. ⠀ America is NOT prepared & Nurses are NOT safe. Plz DM me any telehealth jobs.

A post shared by ❥ Imaris | Nursing & Lifestyle (@nurse.iv) on

Bagi Imaris Vera, dia faham situasi tersebut, tetapi dia mohon agar pihak pentadbir membenarkan dia melindungi diri sendiri

Saya ada keluarga. Apa yang terjadi di hospital itu tidak akan membantu keadaan menjadi lebih baik.” – Imaris Vera

Tangisan dan rintihannya telah di upload di Instagram dan telah dapat perhatian netizen di seluruh dunia.

Ni baru seorang, apa jadi kat jururawat yang lain?




Apa Kata Anda? Dah Baca, Jangan Lupa Komen Dan Share Ya. Terima Kasih!! DD

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